About Us
Fairmount Township Fire Department was established in 1951 with seven men from the area who requested that a bill be introduced to the Kansas Legislature to raise money through taxes to provide fire protection.
Through the hard work of those seven men, the Fairmount Township Fire Department became the first Township fire department in the State of Kansas
The men started the department with the purchase of a $2,500 truck and had it converted into a fire truck. The original fire truck still sits at the main station, a 1951 Chevy, the pride of the department at every hometown parade.
Today the department has 9 pieces of apparatus and 2 stations that are used to provide fire protection to the citizens of Fairmount Township and Basehor. We protect over 40 square miles, provide auto-aid to our neighboring departments, and mutual-aid when called upon.
From those seven hardworking men, FTFD has grown to over 35 active members, annual cadets classes, and 25 lifetime members.
We added a new addition to our station 1 that started in the fall of 2005. With the station we have also added full-time and part-time employed Firefighters. At least 3 of these firefighters are on duty 24 hours a day, 365 days a years.
Fairmount Township Fire Department is funded by the Fairmount Township Board of Trustees. Click here to go to their website.